Tillämpad datautvinning och datavetenskap, 5 hp



Tillämpningar av AI

Please be aware that this course is no longer available. Explore our current selection of AI courses suitable for professionals.

Analys av så kallad Big Data är en integrerad del av informationsdrivna branscher för modellering, simulering och strategisk hantering som stöd till digitalisering genom att använda värdefull information från data. Kursen ingår i kurspaketet RELIFE (hh.se/relife) där du som deltagare kan läsa hela kurspaketet eller enstaka kurser. Kursen är för yrkesverksamma och ges på distans på engelska. Anmälan är öppen så länge det finns möjlighet att bli antagen.


Om kursen (på engelska)
About the course Applied Data Mining and Data Science:

Big data analysis is an integral part of the information-driven industries for modeling, simulation, and strategic management, which supports digitalization by deriving valuable information from data. The course goal of “Applied Data Mining and Data Science” is to teach how knowledge can be discovered in complicated contexts through data mining techniques. The course is split into two modules of 2.5 credits:


  • Introduction, data preprocessing and data visualization (6 x 45 minutes, 3 lectures which includes 2 lab sessions)
  • Supervised and Unsupervised learning (6 x 45 minutes, 3 lectures which includes a lab at the end of each session)

Guest lecturers will be included from Volvo to ensure industry relevance. The course material overlaps somewhat with the course Supervised Machine Learning. Lectures will be delivered weekly using Zoom, along with hands-on lab assignments. The course instructors teach a similar course in our master programmes. This course is for professionals. Participants need a basic knowledge of Python programming. The course is held online in English.