Cybersäkerhet – utmaningar med distribuerade arbetsplatser, 7,5 hp



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Cybersäkerhet blir allt viktigare för företag och organisationer, särskilt med tanke på den ökade mängden distansarbete som kan innebära säkerhetsproblem kopplat till integritet, tillgänglighet och sekretess. Kursen ingår i Högskolan i Halmstads kurspaket RELIFE ( där du som deltagare kan läsa hela kurspaketet eller enstaka kurser. Kursen är för yrkesverksamma och ges på distans på engelska. Anmälan är öppen så länge det finns möjlighet att bli antagen.


Om kursen (in English)
About the course Cybersecurity Issues of Distributed Work Places:

Cybersecurity is a critical topic, especially since distributed and remote operations have raised many security concerns about maintaining the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of enterprises’ assets.?

The course “Cybersecurity Issues of Distributed Work Places” aims to improve user awareness of security issues pertaining to data, communications, and hardware platforms. In particular to the coronavirus, this course will consider the potential threats that employees can face due to being directed to work from home. The course is broken down into three modules of 2.5 credits each:


  • Introduction to Cybersecurity (8 x 45 min)
  • Cyber-attacks (8 x 45 min)
  • Introduction to hardware security (10 x 45 minutes)


The course instructors are experts in the fields of hardware and cybersecurity. Guest lecturers will be included from the companies HMS Industrial Networks and AppGate Inc to ensure industry relevance. This course is for professionals and requires a basic computer systems background included in an engineering undergraduate degree. The course is held online in English.