Artificial Intelligence – Methods and Applications
Natural Language Processing
Computer Science
Computer Vision
Data Science
Intelligent Agents and Multi-agent Systems
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning
Mathematics and statistics
Planning and Scheduling
Part 1, theory, 4.5 credits. The course provides theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills in classical AI (artificial intelligence) and robotics. Topics covered: Heuristics for search. Search for games. Applied predicate logic. Classical planning: heuristics. Knowledge representation. Probability theory: axioms, conditional probability, Bayes’ rule. Bayesian networks. Probabilistic reasoning over time, Hidden Markov Models. Decision trees and learning. Robotics: reinforcement learning, learning from demonstration, hybrid architectures, motion planning, odometry, metric and topological route planning, localization and map generation.
Part 2, laboratory, 3 credits. In the laboratory part some of the theories and techniques discussed in the theoretical part are put into practice. This part consists of a series of mandatory laboratory assignments, in part carried out with physical robots or advanced simulators.