AI regulation and standardisation

Symboler och flaggliknande ränder som skildrar AI och samarbete mellan Sverige och Brasilien

The Brazil-Sweden Working Group on AI, Automation, and Digitalization wants you to join for an international perspective on the fundamental issues and challenges associated with the regulation and standardization of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will discuss current policies, emerging strategies, and best practices that are shaping the technological and regulatory landscape with a comparative focus on the approaches adopted in Brazil and Sweden.

When: 3 June 15.00 to 17.00
Where: Online
Spoken language: English
Program and registration:


Seminar Opening

15:00 (CET). Professor Fredrik Heintz (Linköping University, Sweden) and Professor Cesar Marcondes (ITA, Brazil).

Issues in AI Regulation in Brazil and Sweden

  • Cristina Godoy, USP, about the current landscape and challenges of AI regulation in Brazil.
  • 15:15. My Bergdahl, Teknikföretagen (Technology Industries of Sweden), brings perspectives on Swedish initiatives and regulations.
  • 15:30. Discussion and Q&A session moderated by Fredrik Heintz, LIU.

Issues in AI Standardization in Brazil and Sweden

  • 16:05. Paula Cerdeira, Embraer (AI Research Engineer), and Rosenberg Silva (Civil Aviation Regulation Specialist) from ANAC, explores ongoing AI standardization efforts in Brazil.
  • 16:20. Susanne Stenberg and Håkan Burden, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, presents standardization strategies adopted in Sweden.
  • 16:40. Discussion and Q&A session moderated by Cesar Marcondes, ITA.


All are welcome. A meeting link to this online seminar will be sent to participants that register no later 30 May. The event is organised by Linköping University and Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica – ITA.